Friday, October 19, 2012

Chapter 22

In chapter 22 the Joads finally arrive to the government camp and have the opportunity to rest in a safe location. The Joads meet similar new people at the camp such as the manager, committee members, and caring and friendly 'Okies' also looking for work. The Joad family found a place to settle down within an area that provided plenty of luxuries such as hot water and toilets and protection from law enforcement.  Tom was able to find work the next morning after arriving at the camp and this sparked excitement in the family because they began to believe this was a start to a new life. While on the job, Tom and two others from the camp are informed about a plan by the Farmers' Association to invade the camp and start up a riot to allow the police to enter.

As the Joads settle at the camp it is obvious the begin to feel a sense of security and for the first time in a long time are happy about the camps way of life. The theme here is the change in lifestyles for the Joads on the road. At the camp they have the opportunity to find work, be safe from trouble, and enjoy the time they have  because the camp is filled with kind and friendly people, but also people just like them working hard for a fair chance in society. Another theme during the discussion between the employer, Mr. Thomas, and Tom and two other workers about how Association doesn't like the government camps and wants to get a deputy in to clean out the camp. The theme in this event is that despite the 'Okies' are trying to form their own way of living through government camps, because those in power, the Bank and Farmers' Association, have no influence over them, the powers want to shut down the government camps in order to regain that influence. The wealthy fear the loss in control and the gathering of the working class setting up their own foundations that could lead to future trouble with their current businesses.

How are the government camps organized?

What does Mr. Thomas say to explain why the Farmers' Association wants to shutdown government camps?

Two passages I thought were imprtant in chapter 22 was when Timothy, The committee member and person who worked with Tom, said. "They're scairt we'll organize, I guess. An' maybe they're right. This here camp is a organization. People there look out for theirselves. Got the nicest strang band in these parts. Got a little charge account in the store for folks that's hungry. Fi' dollars-you can git that much food an' the camp'll stan' good. We ain't never had no trouble with the law. I guess the big farmers is scairt of that. Can't throw us in jail -why, it scares 'em. Figger maybe if we can gove'n our- selves, maybe we'll do other things."

Another passage was when Ma cried to Pa, "This here's the time the fambly got to get decent Comin' acrost they wasn't no chancet. But now we can." Showing the family is anxious about finally settling down and get the opportunity to live decently.

Chapter 22 can be compared to chapter 10 when the family was still at their home but were preparing for a new lifestyle. Chapter 22 may be compared to the world when families are given government aid to live such as welfare. The welfare helps them get off the streets and live a better life than struggling on their own with little food and money.

In contrast chapter 20 is much different in chapter 22 because instead of being excited about a new location to stay at they were introduced to 'Hooverville' where there was a gathering of poor and suffering people barely surviving the day. The Joads were introduced to a group of people who lacked organization and leadership and were confronted by trouble with a contractor and deputy. You see locations such as these in the world, which are usually called slums.

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